Dr Libby: The Good Life

Starting the day well means more than a muffin and coffee on the go. Giving yourself more time in the morning will change your outlook on everything that follows.

When it comes to our health, what we do repeatedly can have a significant impact on how we feel. For many, morning is the most dreaded time of day – it conjures up images of falling out of bed, still exhausted, and diving straight into a cup of coffee. How you spend those first few hours upon waking can have a significant impact on the outcome of your entire day. If you wake up feeling stressed, overwhelmed and tired, or if you are already running late due to hitting the snooze button several times, then you’re definitely not getting the day started with the best mindset. Here are some simple but powerful ways to positively impact your morning and help you take charge of the rest of your day.

Eat a nourishing breakfast – If we want to be productive, we need to provide our body with the right fuel. Commit to having a nourishing breakfast, instead of grabbing a muffin and coffee on your way to work. Eggs take next to no time to cook or you could whizz up a green smoothie.

Hydrate first thing – Starting your morning with hydration is important. Drinking a glass of warm water with some lemon juice or apple cider vinegar can be a great before-breakfast ritual, to help kick-start digestion. Be conscious of drinking water regularly across your day.

Allow yourself time in the morning – Do you rush into work after you’ve thrown yourself under the shower? Snoozing your alarm till the last possible moment you can get up is not going to facilitate the best mindset. Set your alarm earlier to allow yourself more time in the morning – it will completely change the sense of spaciousness you experience and how you arrive at work. Of course, going to bed at a reasonable hour will make this feel more possible too.

Commit to a morning routine – If your days are getting more and more jam-packed, a restorative morning routine can enable you to start your day with something that nourishes your soul. For so many people, work has infiltrated what used to be leisure time. You might like to commit to going for a walk, sitting with a cup of tea and watching the sunrise or simply practising some long, slow breaths that move your belly out and in.

Feed your mind – Start your day on a positive note by reading something that uplifts you each morning, for example a few pages of a good book. Or you could watch an inspiring or educational YouTube video or listen to an informative podcast or audio book.


Dr Libby: The Good Life