Breath of life: Breath work tips from Grassroots Yoga & Health

Veronica King of Grassroots Yoga & Health talks breath work, and how you can take the simple first steps to mindfulness.

The breath is the most important resource we have for living in a mindful way and staying present in the moment. When we feel our breath – truly take notice of it – then slow our breath, we slow our thoughts. And when we slow our thoughts we gain clarity, perspective and peace.

The breath is the secret ingredient of a good yoga class. It's a powerful portal to relaxation and the key to self-regulation. We are physiologically wired to change the breath in response to external situations, and the breath can be used to change our internal state. It's powerful, it's free and the capacity is within all of us to harness the power of breath.

Having said that, it can be hard at the start, and that's where a teacher can help you get started. Little and often is a great way to start, when I first began meditating I would try doing it for an hour, a total disaster. I would end up agitated and frustrated.

Here is a simple ritual for you to begin working with your breath right now. Set a timer for five minutes. Sit or lie down in a quiet space, close your eyes, do three deep slow breaths, then simply keep your attention on the natural breath moving in and out of your nose. Your mind will wander; bring it back to your breath when you notice you are distracted. At the end of the five minutes, notice how relaxed the body is, how quiet the mind is, how soft the breath is. Your journey to better living is under way.

Breath of life: Breath work tips from Grassroots Yoga & Health