Q&A: Celebrating the Suds

The Great Kiwi Beer Festival returns to Hagley Park on January 26 for another celebration of sun and suds set to a rock and dub backbeat. Epic Beer will be among the breweries keeping the punters happy, so Cityscape asked owner and founder Luke Nicholas what he has in store.

What’s new at Epic Beer? This summer we have a new lineup of cans. We have been a little slow to jump on the can train but that was because we wanted to make sure we could continue to deliver the consistent high quality that we are known for. We also have our new mixed six-pack. This not only includes our Armageddon IPA but also Hop Zombie. Also, every beer in the pack has won a gold medal.

What’s your beer and food match for this summer? It definitely has to be spicy barbequed spatchcock chicken and our new Epic Shotgun XPA. The refreshing light citrusy flavours of the XPA go so well with spices from the barbequed chicken.

What are some interesting trends in beer? It’s interesting that sours and hazy beers haven't become the next big thing. They are available and brewers are making them, but I see them as a small segment of the market. Each time a new group of people arrives in the craft beer world they embrace the next new style as their own. They ultimately settle into the most popular style of the time, which continues to be IPAs. A lot of long-time craft beer drinkers are trying out beers less intense in hop character.


Q&A: Celebrating the Suds